Fuzzycast: Achieving Scalable and Efficient Video-on-Demand Over MulticastServer bandwidth has been identified as a major bottleneck in large Video-on-Demand (VoD) systems. Using multicast delivery to serve popular content helps increase scalability by making efficient use of server bandwidth. In addition, recent research has focused on proactive schemes in which the server periodically multicasts popular content without explicit requests from clients. Proactive schemes are attractive because they consume bounded server bandwidth irrespective of client arrival rate. In this project, we created Fuzzycast, a scalable periodic multicast scheme that uses simple techniques to provide VoD at reasonable client startup times at optimum server bandwidth. Our starting point is a theoretically optimum scheme for providing scalable VoD using multicast. We go on to consider a series of issues that are of both theoretical and real-world importance. They include support for variable-bitrate (VBR) media and scheduling transmissions over multiple multicast groups, and optimum adaptation to variable viewing populations. We supplement these results by describing their use in the construction of a prototype VoD system, where the single mechanism used shows practical optimality under a wide range of factors. ContributionsThe main idea behind Fuzzycast is to transmit each frame at a rate 1/(w+f), where w is the initial waiting time and f is the current frame number. We use a simple and effective heuristic to smoothen the resulting spiky stream. The heuristic's effectiveness is further increased by the observation that most VoD servers do not just serve a single movie, but many of them instead. This results in a server performance practically indistinguishable from the theoretical optimum through very simple schemes. This allows any client to join at any time and start watching the movie almost immediately, even though the server is only required to transmit at a small, constant, multiple of a single movie playout rate. In our publications below, we also discuss how to achieve optimum network and client bandwidth. This is based on an generic optimization problem we call Scottie's dilemma. We further discuss how to optimally reduce server bandwidth when the movie is temporarily in low demand. Further, we introduce a new buffer management scheme that significantly reduces hard disk accesses, thereby improving client performance or allowing for cheaper implementation, important criteria for consumer devices. ResultsThe success of VoD systems depends on the provider's ability to offer a cost-effective service that is also attractive to end-users. Scalability and efficiency are critical for the former part, while functionality, ease of use, and quick response to user commands are needed to satisfy the latter aspect. Proactive VoD protocols are attractive from the scalability point of view, because they use server bandwidth efficiently to serve media even under heavy demand. However, current proactive schemes have significant drawbacks in terms of practical implementation and deployment. Fuzzycast, by taking a pragmatic frame-oriented approach, uses near-optimum server bandwidth while remaining relatively simple to implement and maintain. Although transmitting variable bitrate (VBR) media is a significant issue in the real world, most existing periodic multicast schemes do not handle VBR media very well. We proposed a simple extension to Fuzzycast, namely Fragmented Fuzzycast, and demonstrated that it was able to deliver VBR content over constant-rate channels with minimal performance loss or complexity overhead. Next, periodic multicast schemes place extra load on the network owing to redundant multicasts. We show how the problem of transmitting content over multiple multicast groups results in a fundamental resource tradeoff; by solving the general case, we obtain an optimum solution to our problem. We find that using even a few multicast groups results in significant reduction in overhead for both client and network. We note that the result obtained here is quite general and applicable to diverse situations, including networks that follow scaling properties that are very different from the Chuang-Sirbu law, in a straightforward manner. Most importantly, we have shown that a simple and inexpensive heuristic scheduling can be used to outperform all known practical schemes, including many more complex schemes. Using the optimum solution described here in other similar scenarios is an area of research we intend to pursue further. In addition, our current work involves extending these results to add support for more ``user-friendly'' options like interactive VCR-like functions. Typical Operation
Thanks to the scheduling mechanism used, the total transmit rate is only about 5 times that of a single movie, independent of the number of receivers and their join times. As can be seen by the snapshots that were taken at the same time, although both clients joined at separate times, each starts to play out the movie from the beginning shortly after the user chose the movie. Therefore, the different clients are also at different stages through the movie (this can be seen by looking at the time into the movie, which is displayed in small font directly below the actual movie (click on any of the images to see them in full detail). On the right hand side of the client screens, several graphs are plotted. From top to bottom: Current client buffer usage, current receive bandwidth, and the transmission rate to the media renderer. From the client buffer size, you can see that the late-joiner (the Linux machine) is still early in the movie (before the client buffer peak at 37%), while the Windows machine is already beyond that.
(The choice of about 30 seconds for the initial delay as well as the availability of only a single movie, which is even just a trailer, would, and easily could, of course be adapted in a real deployment.) Topology DataWe conducted many simulations, both on real as well as artificial topologies. These topologies and corresponding manipulation and conversion programs are also available. SoftwareRequirements: Java Media Framework (JMF). Publications
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