ExpDB 2006 |
Pushing XPath Accelerator to its Limits
Projects: P2P,
LCN 2004 |
Bringing Efficient Advanced Queries to Distributed Hash
Talk 2003 |
Secure Distributed Document Storage Through Peer-to-Peer
Talk 2003 |
Efficient Document Search and Replica Management in
Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems
Technical Report 2003 |
Dynamic Replica Management in Distributed Hash Tables
Technical Report 2003 |
Synchronizing Entities in Replicated Log-Structured Databases
with Disconnected Operation
P2P 2003 |
Establishing Trust in Distributed Storage Providers
HotNets 2002,
CCR 2003
Efficient Topology-Aware Overlay Network
Technical Report 2002 |
Routing and Data Location in Overlay Peer-to-Peer Networks
Projects: Multicast,
MMCN 2003 |
Efficient Buffer Management for Scalable Media-on-Demand
Technical Report 2002 |
Achieving Scalable and Efficient Video-on-Demand Over
Infocom 2002 |
Fuzzycast: Efficient Video-on-demand over Multicast
IZS 2002 |
Imprecise Multicast Routing for Scalable Information
Global Internet 2001 |
Efficient Media-on-demand over multiple Multicast groups
NOSSDAV 2001 |
Dimensioning Server Access Bandwidth and Multicast Routing in
Overlay Networks
WET ICE 2001 |
EKA: Efficient Keyserver using ALMI
(PDF; Best Paper)
USITS 2001 |
ALMI: An Application Level Multicast Infrastructure
Technical Report 2001 |
Fuzzycast: Media Broadcasting for Multiple Asynchronous
Talk 2000 |
Java-Based Synchronized Keyserver
Talk 2000 |
Large-Scale Internet Data Distribution
Projects: TERP,
Computer Networks 2004 |
Routing Bandwidth Guaranteed Paths With Restoration in Label
Switched Networks
Globecom 2003 |
Closed-Loop Congestion Control for Mixed Responsive and
Non-Responsive Traffic
LCN 2003 |
PURPLE: Predictive Active Queue
Management Utilizing Congestion Information
Computer Communications 2003 |
Profile-Based Routing and Traffic Engineering
ICNP 2001 |
Routing Bandwidth Guaranteed Paths With Restoration in Label
Switched Networks
QofIS 2001, LNCS 2156
Profile-Based Routing: A New Framework for MPLS Traffic
ISCC 2000 |
A Rate-based End-to-end Multicast Congestion Control
Projects: TERP,
Electronics Letters 2004 |
Fast and Flexible CRC Calculation
IWAN 2003 |
The Role of Network Processors in Active Networks
IEEE Network 2003 |
Creating Advanced Functions on Network Processors: Experience
and Perspectives
IBM Journal of R & D 2003 |
PowerNP Network Processor: Hardware, Software and
Computer Communications 2002 |
Issues and Trends in Terabit Switching
Micro 2002 |
Protocol Wrappers for Layered Network Packet Processing in
Reconfigurable Networks
FPL 2001, LNCS 2147
Reconfigurable Router Modules Using Network Protocol
HotI 2001 |
Layered Protocol Wrappers for Internet Packet Processing in
Reconfigurable Hardware
HPSR 2001 |
Fast Incremental CRC Updates for IP over ATM Networks
ATM '97 |
Crossbow — A Toolkit for Integrated Services over Cell
Switched IPv6
Projects: Forwarding,
Multicast, P2P
TOCS 2001 |
Scalable High-Speed Prefix Matching
LCN 2000 |
Multi-dimensional Prefix Matching Using Line Search
Shaker 2000 |
Fast Longest Prefix Matching: Algorithms, Analysis, and
PfHSN '99, Kluwer IFIP 158
Space Decomposition Techniques for Fast Layer-4 Switching
Talks 1999 |
Scalable Prefix Matching for Internet Packet Forwarding
(Slides (PDF))
Fast and Scalable Layer Four Switching
PODC '98 |
Scalable Best Matching Prefix Lookups
Scalable High Speed IP Routing Table Lookups
Projects: VersaKey,P2P
WET ICE 2003 |
Indra: A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Network Intrusion Detection
and Prevention
(PDF; Best Paper)
ACSAC 2002 |
GOSSIB vs. IP Traceback Rumors
JSAC 1999 |
The VersaKey Framework: Versatile Group Key Management
WET ICE '98 |
Efficient Security for Large and Dynamic Multicast Groups
Project: Da CaPo++
JSAC 1999 |
A Flexible Middleware for Multimedia Communication: Design,
Implementation, and Experience
Technical Report 1998 |
Project Da CaPo++, Volume III: Performance Evaluation
Technical Report 1997 |
Project Da CaPo++, Volume II: Implementation Documentation
Technical Report 1997 |
Project Da CaPo++, Volume I: Architectural and Detailed
(PDF: part 1,
Technical Report 1997 |
Da CaPo++ — Communication Support for Distributed