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  W and AWaldvogel & Aschwanden
   Roman Pletka
   Nicola Aschwanden
   Lars Waldvogel
   Marcel Waldvogel


Dimensioning Server Access Bandwidth and Multicast Routing in Overlay Networks

Sherlia Shi, Jon Turner, and Marcel Waldvogel:
Dimensioning Server Access Bandwidth and Multicast Routing in Overlay Networks,
11th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2001), Port Jefferson, NY, USA, June 2001.


Application-level multicast is a new mechanism for enabling multicast in the Internet. Driven by the fast growth of network audio/video streams, application-level multicast has become increasingly important for its efficiency of data delivery and its ability of providing value-added services to satisfy application specific requirements. From a network design perspective, application-level multicast differs drastically from traditional IP multicast in its network cost model and routing strategies. We present these differences and formulate them as a network design problem consisting of two parts: one is bandwidth assignment in the overlay network, the other is load-balancing multicast routing with delay constraints. We use analytical methods and simulations to show that our design solution is a valid and cost-effective approach. Simulation results show that we are able to achieve network utilization within 10% of the best possible utilization while keeping the session rejection rate low.


BibTeX entry

  Author =       {Sherlia Shi and Jon Turner and Marcel Waldvogel},
  Title =        {Dimensioning Server Access Bandwidth and Multicast Routing in Overlay Networks},
  BookTitle =    {Prceedings of NOSSDAV 2001},
  Year =         2001,
  Month =        jun,
  Pages =        {83--92}

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