This is archived content, mostly untouched since 2003. For newer content/updated versions, see

  W and AWaldvogel & Aschwanden
   Roman Pletka
   Nicola Aschwanden
   Lars Waldvogel
   Marcel Waldvogel



Selecting any title will reveal extended information about that paper.

Within each group, the items are in reverse chronological order and marked as follows: books and chapters, journals and professional magazines, refereed conferences and workshops, and all others. Selected publications have been highlighted; if you are interested in a topic, visit those papers before reading the other ones.

XML Storage Technologies

ExpDB 2006 Pushing XPath Accelerator to its Limits (PDF)

Peer-to-Peer/Grid Storage and Overlay Networks

Projects: P2P, VersaKey, Multicast
LCN 2004 Bringing Efficient Advanced Queries to Distributed Hash Tables (PDF)
Talk 2003 Secure Distributed Document Storage Through Peer-to-Peer Technology
Talk 2003 Efficient Document Search and Replica Management in Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems
Technical Report 2003 Dynamic Replica Management in Distributed Hash Tables (PDF)
Technical Report 2003 Synchronizing Entities in Replicated Log-Structured Databases with Disconnected Operation (PDF)
P2P 2003 Establishing Trust in Distributed Storage Providers (PDF)
HotNets 2002,
CCR 2003
Efficient Topology-Aware Overlay Network (PDF)
Technical Report 2002 Routing and Data Location in Overlay Peer-to-Peer Networks (PDF)

Multicast and Multimedia Data Distribution

Projects: Multicast, Fuzzycast, Memory, VersaKey
MMCN 2003 Efficient Buffer Management for Scalable Media-on-Demand (PDF)
Technical Report 2002 Achieving Scalable and Efficient Video-on-Demand Over Multicast (PDF)
Infocom 2002 Fuzzycast: Efficient Video-on-demand over Multicast (PDF)
IZS 2002 Imprecise Multicast Routing for Scalable Information Distribution (PDF)
Global Internet 2001 Efficient Media-on-demand over multiple Multicast groups (PDF)
NOSSDAV 2001 Dimensioning Server Access Bandwidth and Multicast Routing in Overlay Networks (PDF)
WET ICE 2001 EKA: Efficient Keyserver using ALMI (PDF; Best Paper)
USITS 2001 ALMI: An Application Level Multicast Infrastructure (PDF)
Technical Report 2001 Fuzzycast: Media Broadcasting for Multiple Asynchronous Receivers (PDF)
Talk 2000 Java-Based Synchronized Keyserver (Slides)
Talk 2000 Large-Scale Internet Data Distribution (Slides)

Traffic Management, QoS, Congestion Control

Projects: TERP, Multicast
Computer Networks 2004 Routing Bandwidth Guaranteed Paths With Restoration in Label Switched Networks (PDF)
Globecom 2003 Closed-Loop Congestion Control for Mixed Responsive and Non-Responsive Traffic (PDF)
LCN 2003 PURPLE: Predictive Active Queue Management Utilizing Congestion Information (PDF)
Computer Communications 2003 Profile-Based Routing and Traffic Engineering (PDF)
ICNP 2001 Routing Bandwidth Guaranteed Paths With Restoration in Label Switched Networks (PDF)
QofIS 2001,
LNCS 2156
Profile-Based Routing: A New Framework for MPLS Traffic Engineering (PDF)
ISCC 2000 A Rate-based End-to-end Multicast Congestion Control Protocol (PDF)

Building Fast, Advanced Routers

Projects: TERP, FPX, Crossbow
Electronics Letters 2004 Fast and Flexible CRC Calculation (PDF)
IWAN 2003 The Role of Network Processors in Active Networks (PDF)
IEEE Network 2003 Creating Advanced Functions on Network Processors: Experience and Perspectives (PDF)
IBM Journal of R & D 2003 PowerNP Network Processor: Hardware, Software and Applications (PDF)
Computer Communications 2002 Issues and Trends in Terabit Switching
Micro 2002 Protocol Wrappers for Layered Network Packet Processing in Reconfigurable Networks (PDF)
FPL 2001,
LNCS 2147
Reconfigurable Router Modules Using Network Protocol Wrappers (PDF, TR)
HotI 2001 Layered Protocol Wrappers for Internet Packet Processing in Reconfigurable Hardware (PDF, TR)
HPSR 2001 Fast Incremental CRC Updates for IP over ATM Networks (PDF)
ATM '97 Crossbow — A Toolkit for Integrated Services over Cell Switched IPv6 (PDF)

Forwarding and Packet Classification Algorithms

Projects: Forwarding, Multicast, P2P
TOCS 2001 Scalable High-Speed Prefix Matching (PDF)
LCN 2000 Multi-dimensional Prefix Matching Using Line Search (PDF)
Shaker 2000 Fast Longest Prefix Matching: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications (PDF)
PfHSN '99,
Kluwer IFIP 158
Space Decomposition Techniques for Fast Layer-4 Switching (PDF)
Talks 1999 Scalable Prefix Matching for Internet Packet Forwarding (Slides (PDF))
SIGCOMM '98 Fast and Scalable Layer Four Switching (PDF)
PODC '98 Scalable Best Matching Prefix Lookups (PDF)
SIGCOMM '97 Scalable High Speed IP Routing Table Lookups (PDF)

Security and Secure Protocols

Projects: VersaKey,P2P
WET ICE 2003 Indra: A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention (PDF; Best Paper)
ACSAC 2002 GOSSIB vs. IP Traceback Rumors (PDF)
JSAC 1999 The VersaKey Framework: Versatile Group Key Management (PDF)
WET ICE '98 Efficient Security for Large and Dynamic Multicast Groups (PDF)

Configurable Multimedia Protocols

Project: Da CaPo++
JSAC 1999 A Flexible Middleware for Multimedia Communication: Design, Implementation, and Experience (PDF)
Technical Report 1998 Project Da CaPo++, Volume III: Performance Evaluation (PDF)
Technical Report 1997 Project Da CaPo++, Volume II: Implementation Documentation (PDF)
Technical Report 1997 Project Da CaPo++, Volume I: Architectural and Detailed Design (PDF: part 1, 2, 3)
Technical Report 1997 Da CaPo++ — Communication Support for Distributed Applications (PDF)

Related bibliography information: DBLP, CiteSeer/ResearchIndex, Library of the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik (MPII).

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