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  W and AWaldvogel & Aschwanden
   Roman Pletka
   Nicola Aschwanden
   Lars Waldvogel
   Marcel Waldvogel
      Volume 2


Project Da CaPo++, Volume II: Implementation Documentation

Burkhard Stiller, Daniel Bauer, Germano Caronni, Christina Class, Christian Conrad, Bernhard Plattner, Marcel Waldvogel:
Project Da CaPo++, Volume II: Implementation Documentation,
TIK Technical Report No. 29, ETH Zürich, August 1997.


The research project KTI Da CaPo++ is based on the project Da CaPo (Dynamic Configuration of Protocols) at the ETH. The extended system of Da CaPo++ provides a basis for an application framework for banking environments and tele-seminars. It includes the support of prototypical multimedia applications to be used on top of high-speed networks including dynamically configurable security and multicast aspects.

The main goal for this document is the description of the implemented design as stated elsewhere. It covers the application framework parts carried out at ETH and Da CaPo++ core system internal details concerning the security and relevant C-modules. These goals have been achieved and implemented under Solaris 2.5.1 on Sun workstations including multimedia equipment, such as cameras, microphones, and speakers.

Finally, the implemented design of Da CaPo++ has remained independent of any specific transport infrastructure, as long as the considered network offers minimal features, e.g., bandwidth, delay, or bit error rates that are requested by an application. A heterogeneous infrastructure, including Ethernet and ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), is supported, which has been demonstrated in the final project demonstration July 1, 1997.


BibTeX entry

  Author =       {Burkhard Stiller and Daniel Bauer and Germano
                  Caronni and Christina Class and Christian Conrad and
                  Bernhard Plattner and Marcel Waldvogel},
  Title =        {Project {Da CaPo++}, Volume {II}: Implementation
  Institution =  {ETH {Z\"urich}},
  Year =         1997,
  Type =         {TIK Technical Report},
  Number =       29,
  Month =        aug

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