Layered Protocol Wrappers for Internet Packet Processing in Reconfigurable HardwareFlorian Braun and Marcel Waldvogel:Layered Protocol Wrappers for Internet Packet Processing in Reconfigurable Hardware, Hot Interconnects (HotI) 9, Stanford, CA, USA, August 2001. AbstractA library of layered protocol wrappers has been developed that process Internet packets in reconfigurable hardware. These wrappers can be used with a reprogrammable network platform called the Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) to rapidly prototype hardware circuits for processing Internet packets. We present a framework to streamline and simplify the development of networking applications that process ATM cells, AAL5 frames, Internet Protocol (IP) packets and UDP datagrams directly in hardware.Documents
BibTeX entry@InProceedings{braun01layered, Author = {Florian Braun and John Lockwood and Marcel Waldvogel}, Title = {Layered Protocol Wrappers for Internet Packet Processing in Reconfigurable Hardware}, BookTitle = {IEEE Hot Interconnects 9}, Year = 2001, Address = {Stanford, CA, USA}, Month = aug } @TechReport{braun01layered-techreport, Author = {Florian Braun and John Lockwood and Marcel Waldvogel}, Title = {Layered Protocol Wrappers for Internet Packet Processing in Reconfigurable Hardware}, Institution = {Washington University in St.\ Louis}, Year = 2001, Number = {WUCS-01-10}, Month = jul } |
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