Fast and Flexible CRC CalculationAndreas Doering and Marcel Waldvogel:Fast and Flexible CRC Calculation, IEE Electronics Letters, 40(1):10-11, 8 January 2004. AbstractAn algorithm for software or hardware implementation is presented, allowing fast computation of Cyclic Redundancy Checks with arbitrary polynomials and a high flexibility, such as updating of checksums after modifying data block parts with a known old checksum. Keywords: Cyclic Redundancy Check, Network processing Documents
BibTeX entry@Article{doering04fast, Author = {Andreas Doering and Marcel Waldvogel}, Title = {Fast and Flexible CRC Calculation}, Journal = {IEE Electronics Letters}, Year = 2004, Volume = 40, Number = 1, Month = "8 " # jan, Pages = {10-11} } |
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