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  W and AWaldvogel & Aschwanden
   Roman Pletka
   Nicola Aschwanden
   Lars Waldvogel
   Marcel Waldvogel


Creating Advanced Functions on Network Processors: Experience and Perspectives

Robert Haas, Clark Jeffries, Lukas Kencl, Andreas Kind, Bernhard Metzler, Roman Pletka, Marcel Waldvogel, Laurent Freléchoux, and Patrick Droz:
Creating Advanced Functions on Network Processors: Experience and Perspectives,
IEEE Network, Volume 17, Number 4, July 2003.


In this paper, we present five case studies of advanced networking functions that detail how a network processor (NP) can provide high performance and also the necessary flexibility compared with Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). We first review the basic NP system architectures, and describe the IBM PowerNP architecture from a data-plane as well as from a control-plane point of view. We introduce models for the programmer's views of NPs that facilitate a global understanding of NP software programming. Then, for each case study, we present results from prototypes as well as general considerations that apply to a wider range of system architectures. Specifically, we investigate the suitability of NPs for

  • Quality of Service (active queue management and traffic engineering),
  • header processing (GPRS tunneling protocol),
  • intelligent forwarding (load balancing without flow disruption),
  • payload processing (code interpretation and just-in-time compilation in active networks), and
  • protocol stack termination (SCTP).
Finally, we summarize the key features as revealed by each case study, and conclude with remarks on the future of NPs.


BibTeX entry

  Author =       {Robert Haas and Clark Jeffries and Lukas Kencl and
                  Andreas Kind and Bernard Metzler and Roman Pletka and
                  Marcel Waldvogel and Laurent {Frel\'{e}choux} and
                  Patrick Droz},
  Title =        {Creating Advanced Functions on Network Processors:
                  Experience and Perspectives},
  Journal =      {IEEE Network},
  Year =         2003,
  Month =        jul,
  Volume =       17,
  Number =       4,
  Pages =        {46-54}

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