Project Da CaPo++, Volume III: Performance EvaluationBurkhard Stiller, Christina Class, Christian Conrad, Bernhard Plattner, Marcel Waldvogel:Project Da CaPo++, Volume III: Performance Evaluation, TIK Technical Report No. 42, ETH Zürich, February 1998. AbstractPerformance evaluations of advanced communication subsystems and their applications are necessary methods to prove that a certain level of communication functionality demanded and a required minimal processing power of end-systems (workstations) and of intermediate systems (networks and routers) have been achieved. The communication middleware package Da CaPo++ provides a modern communication platform that supports flexible communication services, in particular for end-systems. Based on an implementation of Da CaPo++ on workstations (Sun SPARCStations and Sun UltraSPARCs) a performance evaluation has been carried out. Specifically, the performance for relevant communication tasks is identified and overhead required for providing various degrees of communication service flexibility is illustrated.Documents
BibTeX entry@TechReport{stiller98project-techreport, Author = {Burkhard Stiller and Christina Class and Christian Conrad and Bernhard Plattner and Marcel Waldvogel}, Title = {Project {Da CaPo++}, Volume {III}: Performance Evaluation}, Institution = {ETH {Z\"urich}}, Year = 1998, Type = {TIK Technical Report}, Number = 42, Month = feb } |
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