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  W and AWaldvogel & Aschwanden
   Roman Pletka
   Nicola Aschwanden
   Lars Waldvogel
   Marcel Waldvogel
      Prefix Matching


Scalable High-Speed Prefix Matching

Marcel Waldvogel, George Varghese, Jon Turner, Bernhard Plattner:
Scalable High-Speed Prefix Matching,
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Volume 19, Number 4, Pages 440-482, November 2001.


Finding the longest matching prefix from a database of keywords is an old problem with a number of applications, ranging from dictionary searches to advanced memory management to computational geometry. But perhaps today's most frequent best matching prefix lookups occur in the Internet, when forwarding packets from router to router. Internet traffic volume and link speeds are rapidly increasing; at the same time, a growing user population is increasing the size of routing tables against which packets must be matched. Both factors make router prefix matching extremely performance critical.In this paper, we introduce a taxonomy for prefix matching technologies, which we use as a basis for describing, categorizing, and comparing existing approaches. We then present in detail a fast scheme using binary search over hash tables, which is especially suited for matching long addresses, such as the 128 bit addresses proposed for use in the next generation Internet Protocol, IPv6. We also present optimizations that exploit the structure of existing databases to further improve access time and reduce storage space.


BibTeX entry

  Author =       {Marcel Waldvogel and George Varghese and Jon Turner
                  and Bernhard Plattner},
  Title =        {Scalable High-Speed Prefix Matching},
  Journal =      {Transaction on Computer Systems},
  Volume =       19,
  Number =       4,
  Month =        nov,
  Year =         2001,
  Pages =        {440--482}

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