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  W and AWaldvogel & Aschwanden
   Roman Pletka
   Nicola Aschwanden
   Lars Waldvogel
   Marcel Waldvogel


Efficient Topology-Aware Overlay Network

Marcel Waldvogel and Roberto Rinaldi:
Efficient Topology-Aware Overlay Network,
Hot Topics in Networks I (HotNets-I), Princeton, NJ, USA, October 2002.
The HotNets-I proceedings also appeared in Computer Communication Review, Volume 33, Number 1, January 2003.


Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking has become a household word in the past few years, being marketed as a work-around for server scalability problems and ``wonder drug'' to achieve resilience. Current widely-used P2P networks rely on central directory servers or massive message flooding, clearly not scalable solutions. Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) are expected to eliminate flooding and central servers, but can require many long-haul message deliveries. We introduce Mithos, an content-addressable overlay network that only uses minimal routing information and is directly suitable as an underlay network for P2P systems, both using traditional and DHT addressing. Unlike other schemes, it also efficiently provides locality-aware connectivity, thereby ensuring that a message reaches its destination with minimal overhead. Mithos provides for highly efficient forwarding, making it suitable for use in high-throughput applications. Paired with its ability to have addresses directly mapped into a subspace of the IPv6 address space, it provides a potential candidate for native deployment. Additionally, Mithos can be used to support third-party triangulation to quickly select a close-by replica of data or services.


BibTeX entry

  Author =       {Marcel Waldvogel and Roberto Rinaldi},
  Title =        {Efficient Topology-Aware Overlay Network},
  BookTitle =    {Proceedings of HotNets-I},
  Address =      {Princeton, NJ, USA},
  Year =         2002,
  Month =        oct,

  Author =       {Marcel Waldvogel and Roberto Rinaldi},
  Title =        {Efficient Topology-Aware Overlay Network},
  Journal =	 {ACM Computer Communication Review},
  Year =         2003,
  Month =        jan,
  Volume =       33,
  Number =       1,
  Pages =        {101-106},
  Comment =      {Special Issue for HotNets-I}

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